Sandro was born and raised in Portland, Oregon, and is the younger sibling of Gabriel. Since a child, he has worked at the bakery selling baked goods at local farmer’s markets with his mother and doing various tasks to help the business run smoothly. After spending most of his life working on and off at the bakery, he now works there full time helping his brother and father run the business.
Gabriel was born and raised in Portland, OR. While studying for his Master’s of Business Administration at Portland State University, Gabriel began applying his newly learned skill to help his father run the family business. This developed into a flourishing partnership, and now Gabriel continues to run the business, upholding the ideals of Amilcar as he continues to expand and lead the bakery into the future.
Owner / Bread Master, Amilcar Alvarez, immigrated to Portland from Peru in 1979 when he fell in love with an American student traveling abroad. Leaving behind law school in Peru to join his new wife, Amilcar started working from the bottom up at a small Portland french bakery. He excelled at his new job, and began to experiment with sustainable whole grains, an idea that was just beginning to gain popularity, but one he was raised with in the Peruvian countryside.
In 1987, Amilcar realized his dream and opened Gabriel’s Bakery, naming it after his new born son. Since then, Amilcar has incorporated baking ideas from his Latino heritage, French training, and even his wife’s Jewish roots. This blending of traditions have resulted in a unique assortment of delicious breads and pastries.
Now, Amilcar's two sons, Gabriel and Sandro, have joined the family business with hopes to carry on their father's legacy.